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标签:写作,变革,自傲,应对 发布时间:2024年05月10日 点击92


ACT Essay 变革前 变革后 考试时刻 30分钟,一篇评论辩论文,压倒性文章 40分钟,一篇评论辩论文,剖析性文章 论题规模 首要集中为教育类,跟日子靠近 广泛多样的论题 考题体例 根据正反两方观念,表达自个的观念,不需求联系论题中给出的观念 给出三方观念,请求剖析题干观念并解析三个观念的联系,作文有需要和题干给出的观念相联系进行评论辩论剖析 评分规律 从文章评论辩论的紊乱度、观念打开、文章安排及言语进行评分 主意和剖析(Ideas and Analysis)、开展与支持(Development and Support)、文章安排(Organization)、言语运用及标准(Language Use and Conventions) 算分办法 两位阅卷人评分,别离依照1-6分评估,加和汇总。例如两位阅卷人的分数别离是:4分,5分网络营销策划,终究的得分为9分。 两位阅卷人评分,每人在四个单项内依照1-6分评估,终究每个单项加和汇总,即每个单项得分区间2-12分。例如两位阅卷人分数别离是:3-3-4-4,4-3-3-5,终究得分为7-6-7-9。别的,除了每个单项的得格外,考生终究取得换算后的1-36分规模内的写作总分。


  新版ACT写作给了三个perspective,而且要点请求剖析自个的观念和给出观念之间的联系,即“explain the relationship between your perspective and those given”,perspectives就在那里,咱们都有需要剖析,怎么极好的安排好几个观念之间的逻辑构造和论证其存在的合理性,ACT的新作文考试愈加垂青研讨(research)和证据(evidence),这是一大难点,这也是为何会多出10分钟的因素。可是换个视点去想,咱们的观念里一定会有和已给出perspective里一样的有些,这么也省去了咱们一有些去脑筋风暴搜肠刮肚观念的时刻呢!


  Intelligent Machines

  Many of the goods and services we depend on daily are now supplied by intelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots build cars and other goods on assembly lines, where once there were human workers. Many of our phone conversations are now conducted not with people but with sophisticated technologies. We can now buy goods at a variety of stores without the help of a human cashier. Automation is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what is lost when we replace humans with machines? Given the accelerating variety and prevalence of intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications and meaning of their presence in our lives.

  Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the increasing presence of intelligent machines.

  Perspective 1: What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part of our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people.

  Perspective 2: Machines are good at low-skills, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone.

  Perspective 3: Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be. This is good because it pushes both humans and machines toward new, unimagined possibilities.

  Essay Task

  Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on the increasing presence of intelligent machines. In your essay, be sure to:

  Analyze and evaluate the perspectives given

  State and develop your own perspective on the issue

  Explain the relationship between your perspective and those given

  Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of the others, in partial agreement, or wholly different. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples.


  Intelligent machines, hardware created by human beings to liberate us from strenuous, have never been given so much attention since the era of Internet. Electronic appliances, smart phones or wearable devices have, in certain degree, brought people convenience, making them indispensable part in daily life. However, some critics still cast doubts on the potential threats hidden behind the scene. As far as I am concerned, human history has witnessed the glorious achievements thanks to the application of machinery.

  Admittedly, the massive application of automation might put the apocalypse on humanity. Just as the saying goes, “To be human is to be humane”, the loss of humanity reveals in the return to the uncivilized nature of human brought by the massive, cold-hearted machines. As shown in the Gilded Age, industrialization took place rapidly with the introduction of new machinery and technologies. Thousands of canals, railroads and coal mines were built in United States. Accompanied with such changes was the gradual loss of human kindness in the tycoons in railroad, oil and steel industry. These people, who sought great fortune themselves, started to see workers only as means to the end of acquiring profits. Miners in the Northwest, for example, worked in the dark, toxic underground for more than ten hours, slept in slums at night and obtained wages insufficient to meet their basic needs. Such inhumane treatment of the industrial magnates did result in some extreme social turbulence such as the Haymarket Strike.

  However, as seen in history, human beings always have the ability to adjust and examine their own deeds. The tycoons soon realized the brutality of money making. Andrew Carnegie, the leading figure in the steel industry, advocated the idea of social welfare in his book the Gospel of Wealth, stating that it’s the rich’s duty to ameliorate the living conditions of the poor in the society. Therefore, self-examination will compensate this change and readjust human beings to the basic tolerance and respect for others. Besides, the high efficiency brought by automation leads to the evergreen prosperity of human lives. Machinery, with its easy manipulation and high precision in productions, stimulates the growth of industry and agriculture and improves the lives of common people. Before the Industrial Revolution, cotton production in the South was stagnant due to the time-consuming and labor-intensive task to separate the fiber from the raw cotton. The revolutionary change did not occur until the 1700s, when Eli Whitney reintroduced the cotton gin to the public. The renewed machine carried features to make automation in the process of cotton production possible. The precise work of machines liberated humans from the onerous task to refine cotton. In this case, the automatic production of cotton in the Deep South soared, boosting the cotton industry to grow in an unprecedented speed.

  On the other hand, the creating roles of automation spur imagination and push human intelligence to a new level. In the eighteenth century the automation drastically revolutionized the gun-making industry. The long-standing process, in which guns were assembled, one at a time, was replaced with a system of interchangeable manufacture. Such creation aroused curiosity among people to develop a new and more efficient way in other industrial productions. One of the forerunners in that era, Gerald Ford, was inspired by the idea of interchangeable parts and subsequently adapted this scientific method to the car production. The assembly line, a method that allows massive, automatic and standardized production, was invented by Ford and was soon introduced to the automobile industry. Car production became so efficient that consequently cars were no longer a luxury that eludes the lives of common people. The process of innovation of machines encourages humans to expand their creativity and intelligence to a broader extent, which results in further and diverse developments.

  In short, what have been created will be used for creating. In this case, the wide use of machinery plays its role in pushing up work efficiency and breeding new opportunities. As long as human beings could be cautious in controlling them, progress will be continuously made.


  1. 观念清晰清晰

  2. 例证充分支持观念,而且十分连贯警用器材,联接天然

  3. 与题干观念联系精密

  4. 词汇丰厚,句式多变








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